Resource Management

Now more than ever, we need to put our best foot forward when making decisions that involve the environment.

Whether it concerns our country’s high producing farms, outstanding natural landscapes or biodiversity areas, growing urban and residential spaces, or critical infrastructure, and everything in between, our team can help you navigate a way forward that strikes the right balance.

Our advice is solution-oriented and focused on aligning the management of our natural resources with community and commercial interests, within the bounds of the law. We can assist you through the multi-layered policy and planning framework and determine what you can or cannot do with your farm, home, land, business or project.

Whatever your project, we can help you achieve your goals. We’ve worked for district councils, farmers, infrastructure companies, large corporates and individuals.

In this ever-changing space, we also collaborate with a wide range of industry experts, including planners, ecologists, engineers and architects, to provide the best solutions for our clients.

  • Due diligence investigations

    Purchasing land or property can be complex. Whether you are looking to purchase commercial, industrial or residential property, a new farm or forestry, our team can undertake an environmental due diligence review to give you comfort that your new investment complies with relevant resource management regulations.

  • New projects

    Looking to undertake a new project? Whether small or large, our team can scope your project and the various consenting hoops ahead, and provide strategic development advice throughout.

  • Resource consent applications

    Preparing a resource consent application, particularly one that requires a council hearing, can be both complicated and time consuming. Our team can assist with advising and representing you on subdivision and land use consents, water takes, storage permits and discharge consents. Our team can also advise on the risk of consent being declined, likely timeframes and costs. We also work closely with trusted consultants in the relevant sector to achieve cost efficiencies for our clients.

  • Opposing or participating in resource consent applications by others

    If you’d like to participate in the RMA process to challenge or oppose a resource consent application by a third party, we can guide you through. We can help you draft a submission, coordinate any evidence (including expert evidence), represent you at the hearing, and review any proposed consent conditions.

  • District and regional plan reviews

    The plan review process can be difficult to navigate without expert assistance. Our team can advise and represent you through all stages of a plan review, including making submissions supporting or opposing proposed district or regional plans and regional policy statements, project managing evidence, and representing you in council hearings. We can also assist you with re-zoning applications under the plan review process or through private plan changes.

  • Appeals

    Unhappy with a decision on a resource consent, private plan change, or plan review? Our team has a wide range of experience in advising on potential appeals to the Environment Court or High Court and the risks associated with the process. We can also represent you throughout the appeals process.

  • Abatement notices, investigations and enforcement

    If a council or third party is taking steps against you alleging non-compliances with rules or your consents, we can help you navigate the RMA processes and timeframes. We can advise on whether you can defend, amend or cancel an abatement notice. If you have insurance and your policy responds to the particular issue, we can work alongside your insurer’s lawyer to look after your interests.

  • Pest management

    Pest management obligations vary from region to region, and can even vary between neighbouring properties. We advise on many aspects of pest management, including identifying your individual obligations and reviewing terms of proposed eradication agreements with the regional council.

  • Projects on Crown pastoral lease properties

    In conjunction with our agribusiness team, we can scope your proposed farming, building or tourism/recreation project against the Crown’s permit requirements, and act for you during the permit application process. We can assist you with preparing your permit application, or reviewing and appealing a decision of the Commissioner of Crown Lands.


If you would like to discuss how we might help you with your project or ongoing compliance, then please contact our team

Key contacts 4

Johanna King (JK)

Senior Associate

Harry Staples


If you’d like to have a conversation about how we might help, then we’d love you to get in touch.

Contact us