
We have an experienced litigation and insurance team, with our specialist staff having worked closely with New Zealand’s largest insurers, providing time-critical, sound and strategic legal advice on a range of professional indemnity, material damage and liability insurance claims. Our team also advise on policy response and coverage, claims processes and managing dispute resolution for earthquake insurance claims.

Southern Response Payment Packages

You may qualify for a ‘top-up’ settlement payment from Southern Response

If you owned a property:

  • That was Insured with AMI; and
  • Your home was damaged in the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence; and
  • You settled your insurance claim with either AMI or Southern Response before 1 October 2014

you may be one of the approximately 3000 homeowners eligible for a further Payment Package from Southern Response. But time is running out, with settlement offers only remaining available until April 2023. If you think you might be eligible (or just not sure), we recommend you get in touch with us.

  • What is Southern Response’s Payment Package?

    Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited (Southern Response), formed by the Government in April 2012 to settle AMI earthquake insurance claims, was found by the courts to have misled AMI insured homeowners by withholding the true costs to repair or rebuild houses damaged by the earthquakes. Southern Response presented to its customers, costs assessments to repair or rebuild the house but which did not include the amounts that Southern Response had allowed for professional fees or contingencies. Southern Response used those incomplete costs assessments to settle with its customers. Southern Response changed its approach after 1 October 2014, and began to disclose costs assessments that calculated professional fees and contingency.

    The courts have held, and Southern Response has accepted, that AMI insureds who settled their insurance claims before October 2014 are entitled to an additional cash settlement payment (a Payment Package) that includes the allowance for professional fees, a contingency sum, plus interest on those two amounts. For many AMI insureds, a Payment Package could be more than $100,000.

    For more information about the background to the Payment Package, please click here.

  • What if I am, or might be, eligible for a Payment Package?

    If you did receive a settlement payment from AMI or Southern Response before October 2014, assessing your eligibility and the amount you may be entitled through the Payment Package may not necessarily be straightforward. You might be entitled to more than what Southern Response assess. You may have already received a Payment Package offer from Southern Response but are unsure whether you are ready to accept it and sign another settlement agreement.

    We are here to help you. Southern Response will contribute up to $2,000 towards legal costs for each Payment Package offered. We have a team, who understand the Payment Package process and entitlements, are vastly experienced in resolving insurance claims, and who are dedicated to assisting AMI insureds obtaining their full entitlement. For a fixed fee of $2,000 plus GST*, we can resolve your Payment Package with Southern Response and ensure you receive your full and correct entitlement. With Southern Response’s contribution towards legal costs, this means you should only have to pay $300 and this is only payable once you have received your Payment Package. There is nothing to pay if you are not eligible for a Payment Package.

    If you think you may be eligible for a Payment Package, or have already received a Payment Package from Southern Response, and would like our assistance, please complete the below form (or click here). Once you submit the form, we will review the information and be in contact with you within two working days.

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss, please contact Jared Higby in the first instance, or email us at the following address:

    *Subject to our terms of engagement which you can read here.


If you have received a Payment Package or think you may be eligible for one, and would like our assistance, please complete the short information form below and we'll be in touch within two working days.

Click here to complete the form

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If you’d like to have a conversation about how we might help, then we’d love you to get in touch.

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